Mark Hickman
Mark Hickman was born in the West Midlands. He has completed a BA Honours Degree in Fine Art at Leeds Metropolitan in 2001, a Post Graduate Diploma in Fine Art at Goldsmiths College in London followed by a PGCE from UCE, Birmingham.
ARTIST STATEMENT: "I am a painter of both the natural and the man-made landscape and often where these two worlds meet. My interest lies in painting scenes exploring centres of energy. Be this the energetic points created by the natural lay of the land, points where people love to gather, or places viewed as spiritual centres.
My work is somewhat reminiscent of Impressionism and as such it explores how we see the essence of the atmosphere and light surrounding these places. I began painting as a form of escapism. I am always seeking to develop my use of colour and mark making".
image featured: View Towards The Jewellery Quarter