A Journey Through the Landscape
1st September - 29th September 2022
An Exhibition of Paintings & Prints by Colin Carruthers
Colin will be present at the Gallery for his BOOK LAUNCH
on Saturday 24th September from 12 noon - 4 pm
Colin Carruthers was born in Antrim Town in Northern Ireland, where he spent his early childhood. He showed an interest in drawing at an early age and was encouraged by his mother to draw and paint. In the mid 1970s, he moved with his family to Germany. His family relocated later to Oxfordshire and Colin formed a good rapport with his art teacher, Mrs Ritson. Drawing was part of her practice, and she nurtured his interest, showing him her own sketchbooks containing tree studies. She would take Colin and other pupils out on field trips to sketch the local landscape, gave him valuable early lessons in painting and helped him to paint with oils for the first time.
Colin continued his interest with drawing and painting, but it wasn't until 1992 that he applied to do a Foundation Course in Art and Design. He successfully completed the course, followed by a B.A. Honours degree in Fine Art at U.C.E., Margaret Street in Birmingham. It was in the final year of his degree course that Colin discovered that painting was the ultimate vehicle to share with others how he emotionally felt about the world we live in. He realised that he wanted to become a painter.
image right: Colin Carruthers
Painting on Location, Islay
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