Viv Astling RBSA
Viv has had an interest in sculpture and stone-carving for most of his life. His first venture into Stone Carving was at Midlands Arts centre, Birmingham with tutor John Vaughan. He further develop his skills at Dudley College and is a member of the Shapeshifters Sculpture Company, a leading group of practicing sculptures in the Midlands who work at Dudley College and Winterbourne.
Viv regularly exhibits at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists gallery in Brook Street, Birmingham as well as two commercial galleries, the Mayne gallery in Kingsbridge, Devon and the Little London gallery in Derbyshire. His work has been selected for a number of Open Exhibitions recently including the RBSA, Derby and Granary Gallery Opens, receiving a Highly Commended in the Granary. He has been elected a full Member of the RBSA and serves as its Hon Secretary.