SPRING EXHIBITION & EVENTS! Saturday 15 March - Saturday 31 May

The Spring Exhibition 2017

Two new exhibitors to the gallery : Mike Allison (Printmaker) & Kerry Tremlett (Printmaker) along with new work from our usual contributors in the fields of Painting, Printmaking, Ceramics, Sculpture, Jewellery and Crafts. 

We look forward to seeing you if you can make it to the Spring Exhibition - but please remember that if you can't make it to the gallery we do offer a FREE SHIPPING Service throughout the U.K. for all online purchases.  

Below are examples of works available in the gallery. Please click on individual artists' details to view their biographies and further work available. 

Purple Gallery Opening Hours >>> 

Purchasing and Returns Policy >>>

The Spring Exhibition continues until 6.15 pm on Saturday 17th June
