SPRING EXHIBITION & EVENTS! Saturday 15 March - Saturday 31 May

Anna Ribas & Bili Montenegro (Biography)

Anna Maresma Ribas

Anna Maresma Ribas (Arenys de Mar, Barcelona, 1981), graduate in Plastic Arts and Artistic Jewel Design (Escola Massana, Barcelona) and graduate in Fine Arts (Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona).

The following exhibits —both of her paintings and her jewelry— stand out: collective exhibition of painting at the Col·legi Major Penyafort of the University of Barcelona, 2004. The following year, the collective exhibition of jewelry "Inshu Washi" with pieces crafted in Japanese paper at the Molí Paperer Museum in Capellades. In 2006 she is part of three exhibits at the Escola Massana in Barcelona: "El reliquiari", “Joieria Artística” and “Joieria Berber”. That same year at the Calisay Cultural Centre in Arenys de Mar (Barcelona) she took part in the collective exhibition of painting "4 young artists from Arenys". And in 2007, she participated in the collective exhibition of jewelry "La força del lloc. Joieria i naturalesa a Serradui" at the venue of Artesania Catalunya, Barcelona.

As an artist, she seeks a fluent dialogue between the disciplines she performs —jewelry and painting. Towards the end of 2011, she presented her first individual exhibition of jewels and paintings, called “Espais. Encontres.” at Expo Box (Mataró, Barcelona).


Bili Sánchez Montenegro

Bili Sánchez Montenegro (Lima, 1974), BA in Philosophy (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima), graduate in Plastic Arts and Artistic Jewel Design (Escola Massana, Barcelona), poet and interdisciplinary artist with studies in drama (Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani, Lima).

Actor in the play “Sarita Con-Cierto Teatro” by the Yuyachkani troupe from 1995 to 1996. Codirector of the production department of the Mehr Licht studio. Producer of the fanzine “Crash Boom Zap” in nine issues. In 2000 he produced the first individual exhibition of visual artist José Carlos Martinat, called “Casa”.

In 1997 he published his first poetry collection, “Sahari”. In 2000 “Isa” came out, sponsored by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. In 2002 he launched his third book, called “Rosario”, in a multi-media event involving music, video and theatre. In 2011 he released “enrique”, introduced at Bar Juanito in Barranco, Lima, and the following year at Dédalo Art Gallery in Barranco, Lima.

“Rijkrallpa: El último Mito Moche [Rijkrallpa: The Last Moche Myth]” is an interdisciplinary art project that started in 1997 and has had four exhibits: Fundación Telefónica Centre (2008); ExpoZaragoza (2008); the artistic installation “Huaca Rijkrallpa” in the basement of the e[S]tar Art Gallery, run by independent art critic and curator of the project, Mr Jorge Villacorta Chávez (2009); the short film “Rijkrallpa: ¿El Último Timo Moche? [Rijkrallpa: The Last Moche Scam?]”, shown at the 11th International Festival of Video/Art/Electronics (VAE11) at the Túpac Cultural Centre in Lima (2010).

In 2011 he was the curator of José Luis Martinat’s exhibition “Estructural” at the “Lucía de la Puente” art gallery in Lima.